Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just Walk Across the Room

Christ-followers who walk:

As I ventured through the first few days after sharing with you our journey from Bill Hybels' Just Walk Across the Room, I discovered many folks that God place along my path in my Zone of the Unknown, that is, outside my Circle of Comfort. During these times I had a heightened sensitivity to the prompting of the Holy Spirit asking me to be natural in my reaching out...that is, befriending folks, and meeting them where they are.

I wish I could tell you that I ventured into the Zone of the Unknown each of those times. Lord forgive me, when I disregarded your whisper and made excuses.

However, I hope you would agree, isn't it amazing when we tune in to the Holy Spirit and hear the whisper promptings? Isn't it amazing how God uses these simple communications to reach out beyond our Circle of Comfort, to those hurting, lost, in chaos, depressed, have no meaning in life, and for some, very far from the God who loves them?

Some of you may have said to yourself, "I am not worthy to reachout to someone in that Zone of the Unknown." You are right, not one of us is worthy, but rather, it is through the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ we are able to reachout; I am reminded that those who reached out to me weren't worthy either.

Some of you may have said, "People who stand outside my Circle of Comfort (Sunday School class, or new visitor in worship, a co-worker, etc.) don't want me to talk to them, or reachout to them; they want to be anonymous." Maybe this seems correct in your mind, but didn't someone reach out to you and you were thankful he or she did? Especially when you visit another church for worship, don't you feel rejected when no one steps out of their Circle of Comfort and welcome you?

Just a thought for you and for me. Jesus took the walk toward us in the form of someone else...thank you, Jesus...we are called to do the same, one step at a time.

By the way, did you mail your "God Used You to Help Point the Way" postcard to thank the one who walked toward you and helped point you to faith in Jesus Christ? I hope so...it's not too late.

Walking together in Christ's walk,

Pastor Jack

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

it's about time

"It's about time" is a phrase that many of us use or hear each day of our lives. I believe that right now, when you see this blog, some of you might say, "It's about time, Jack. Blogs are for regular entries of thoughts for the day or week." Yes, it's about time that I write in this blog and I'll try to be more "regular" with entries in the future.

Yet, this phrase, "it's about time," is one that we mull over time and again. Think with me on this:

It's about time...
  • you put gas in the car
  • you got your car inspection updated
  • you completed that report
  • you made that important phone call
  • you cleaned up you room
  • you washed the dishes
  • you got home from work
  • you got home from the church meeting
  • you began to eat more nutritiously
  • you started to exercise
  • you spent time in God's word
  • you spent time each day in prayer and meditation

and on and on.

The interesting thing that strikes me today, that no matter what we do, we will always be able to say to others or to our selves, "It's about time."

I believe God feels the same way, but God conveys this phrase's feeling in a different manner. God conveys the phrase not in a judgmental way, but rather in a gracious way. This is how I hear God say, "It's about time:"

"Jack, I am so glad that you are spending time with me, spending time reading My Word, communicating with me in prayer and meditation. I have longed for this time to hear you, and in spite of your absence, I have not been absent from you. Please remember I always love you."

Yes, Lord, it's about time, I've spent time with you. Thank you for your time and patience with me and for giving me your grace. Please be as gracious with each of us today, especially those who have not spent time with you.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Jack

P.S. I began re-reading the Book of Proverbs again in my devotion time--a devotional process I learned when I first became a Christian. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, one for each day of the month, and I read one chapter for each corresponding date of the month. If the month has 30 days or less, then I read the remaining chapters on the last day of the month, i.e., 30th day I read chapters 30 & 31. I encourage you to do the same and receive the richness of God's instruction for abundant living in God's grace. Furthermore, I read Proverbs for the first time in Peterson's paraphrase, The Message. Peterson's words are very powerful. Proverbs 23 touch my heart this morning, this Proverb touches you, also. Yes, it's about time.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Well my friends in Christ, I hope all is well in Wylie. I am on the internet checking the weather info for the DFW while I'm waiting in the concourse at Lexington Blue Grass Airport for my noon flight home. I was up at 3:30 a.m. to be driven to the airport to try to get on an earlier flight to DFW to beat the "forcasted" ice storm. When I arrived at the ticket counter I discovered the early flight was cancelled. The ticket agent wouldn't tell me why, but I imagine it was weather related and the same will happen with my flight at noon.

So the possibility of spending another night or two in Kentucky is very real. Oh well, Holiday Inn Express here I come. At least safety of flight, and landing, is paramount for me.

This is another good example of an unexpected event in life. Life is so filled with unexpected events, yet, our omniscient God sees our unexpected life, always. Our omniscient God is waiting to see how we react to the unexpected...as a mentor at school reminded me again this week, attitude is everything on my part. Even when the unexpected poses questions that may be unanswered God is still with us and watching our response.

Of course I am the first to say that I do not always practice this truth. However, when the unexpected comes, may I, and may we, be faithful to ask the questions, and know God is faithful to embrace us and celebrate with us when the answers to come. It boils down to our attitude in Him, that is, an attitude of gratitude is what God awaits from each of us.

Lord Jesus, thank you for being with me in the unexpected of life. May I see you and listen to you in the unexpected of the day and have an attitude of gratitude. May I also share this attitude with those around me, especially the frustrated and stressed. May my attitude of gratitude encourage the ticket agents who will be working with those passengers who are on the receiving end of the unexpected events of traveling today. Amen.

Make a great day and week in the Lord,

Pastor Jack

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

God is good all the time

While I am Kentucky attending school Asbury Theological Seminary I received word that we were blessed by God again in our stewardship. I heard that we paid out all our apportionments, paid our bills, and had cash in bank at start of the first year. God is good all the time; all the time God is good.

Even though this data is great for year end celebration, cost of ministry continues on each month. I hope and pray we continue to support the cost of ministry, making an investment in transforming lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and spur us on in the mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

May God again bless each of you in your part of the ministry.

Grace and peace,


PS. I saw snow for the first time in a year.