Friday, October 24, 2008

Celia Whitler and Children's Sabbath

This Sunday God will bless us with the presence of Celia Whitler sharing her voice and life with us during both worship services. Her emphasis will be concerning Children’s Sabbath that we will celebrate. Children’s Sabbath is a time for us celebrate how God blessed us with children and how God calls us to bless and support our children, nurturing them in the loving care of a loving God. Celia and her acoustic guitarist, Will Dyer, will share the importance of good stewardship of God’s gift of children, the children of God.

During our time together, we will remember our responsibility to support children in mind, body, and soul. Through teaching and modeling God’s grace and love, God calls us to care about his children’s physical and emotional needs. Whether through Safe Sanctuary, meeting the children’s needs for food, clothing, and shelter, our call of God is to live out what Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:17).

In Matthew 6:19-24, the writer shares three teachings of Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount. The first is storing up treasure in heaven. Jesus does not explain how we go about this storing, but I would imagine one primary way is how we nurture the children in our families, community, and the world. The second is the proclamation that our eyes are the windows of our souls and the light of Christ enters and exits through them. This allows each of us to see through the eyes of Jesus Christ. Thus, how do we see our children through the eyes of Christ rather than our own? The third is we cannot serve to two masters. Thus, are we spinning wheels trying to serve two or more masters? If we serve one master, Jesus Christ, how does that affect our nurturing of our children?

Yes, these teachings of Jesus are stirring and challenging for each of us. As we come to celebrate Children’s Sabbath, may God challenge each of us to do our part to store up treasures in heaven through our children. O Lord, forgive us when we treat our children as possessions or interruptions in our lives. Forgive us when we place our welfare above theirs. Work within us and encourage us to see you through the eyes of your children. Amen

Grace and peace to all,

Pastor Jack

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