Saturday, December 8, 2007

psalm from the Advent Devotional

Just as many of you, I have been encouraged and intrigued by our First Annual Advent Daily Devotional writer's witness. Reading the first week's devotionals was rich in God's grace. I am sure the words were of encouragement for all who read them, as they were for me.

I took the liberty to copy the "Thought for the Day" for each day below and it seems they could be similar to the Psalms. Read them together yourself and see if they are not a psalm of encouragment for you:

Where is God calling me to make and keep a promise today? - Jack Wallace

Even though we do not ask for it soon enough, help is always available for any situation - Jim Clark

Paul instructs us in 2 Corinthians 10:5, "Take every thought captive to obey
Christ" so that we may focus on the path ahead of us. Staying focused means
keeping in prayer, Bible study, and accountability in fellowship - Heather Haynes

We do not need to doubt God’s plan for our lives; God knows the plan for our lives and we need to put all our trust in him - Katie Haynes

Let God open your eyes - Kathryn Raebel

Turning what seems to be a difficult task into a letter of love will plant seeds for God’s kingdom - Larry Johnson

God will wrap His arms around us and gives us Peace and Hope when we
think we just can’t go one more step - Terri Chesser

May God continue to bless in the reading of the devotionals in the days ahead, and thank you to all made submissions for this year's devotional.

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