Read: Philippians 4:8-13
“Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:13 (NLT)
I had an amazing experience this past week. I took a few days of vacation to travel to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to experience Airventure 2009, an international fly-in and air show, for my first time. Rick and I met two of my brothers from Pennsylvania and spent two full days at Whitman Airfield in Oshkosh. We walked a total of thirteen miles of exhibits, aircraft static displays, and watched flight demonstrations of aircraft from all eras. The gazing at loops, barrel rolls, hammerhead stalls, and Cuban eights, was permeated with food, fellowship, laughter, teasing, and food, again. What a grand time in 75-degree days and nights in the 50s. Our time in Oshkosh was a grand time that concluded with my brothers declaring Rick as adopted into the family.
Did I say what a grand time it was? There were so many thrilling moments, especially during the flight demonstrations. However, there was a time when we said, “Seen one loop, you’ve seen them all.” Many times, we stated, “I don’t know how they do it?” “How do they keep doing snap rolls, inverted, spins, and outside loops, without losing their sense of direction?” The answer became simple: Practice, practice, practice!
As I reflected on the pilot performances, I discovered it is the same for our lives as Christians. How do we get through the loops, barrel rolls, and spins in life? Practice, practice, practice! Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:8-13, the importance of practicing our faith in Christ in order to do life. If I do not practice the faith when things are going well, then it becomes more difficult to make it through the major maneuvers of life.
Now, am I saying I practice the faith well all the time? By no means, however, I do know when I have, life’s aerobatics are much easier to handle. May God help each of us practice our faith daily so we may experience the God of peace being with us.
By the way, Rick discovered how family of origin affects who we are as individuals. Seeing my brothers interact filled in the blanks of who I am.
Prayer: O Lord Jesus, may we do our best to daily practice our faith in you in order to fly in life with its aerobatics. Help us practice, practice, practice. Amen.
Grace and peace,